SBI SMS Banking Procedure

SBI SMS Banking

SBI SMS Banking is a special type of mobile banking service which is offered by bank to its customers that allows them to avail the banking services as per their ease and convenience. One should not confuse between mobile banking and sms banking, though they both offer banking services. Customers having account with SBI can make use of this facility from their mobile in order to carry out day to day banking transactions. With the help of sms banking customers can enjoy all benefits provided by SBI for its customers.

How to register for SBI SMS Banking

Customers must follow below mentioned the instructions carefully to register their mobile with sms banking successfully.
  1. Send an SMS as MBSREG to 09223440000 to get register your self.
  2. A sms alert containing the User Id and Pin Number referred as Mpin will be received shortly.
  3. The very next step is to change the pin number. Type mpin <space> user id<space>old pin number<space>new pin number and send to 9223440000. The new pin number must be of six characters.
  4. A confirmation sms will be received along with acceptance of terms and conditions message. The customer needs to accept those conditions by typing s accept<space>user id<space>pin number and send it to 9223440000.
  5. There will be two options to confirm sms banking facility. First one is consulting any branch of home network bank and the other one is ATM, the customer needs to select the option accordingly.
  6. Customer can start using the facility two days after successful registration.

SBI SMS Banking Codes

Customers must note that for every SMS send for SMS banking some charges may imply as applicable by mobile operator though State bank charges no fee for the use of service. In order to make transactions using SMS banking, Customers are required to sent SMS in proper syntax as explained below along with particular keyword. Please note that the sms banking keywords are not case sensitive. If the customers are one time password users then they can send the keyword of the particular transaction which they want to make, then they can send the keyword of the transaction to 9223440000.

1<Saccept><UserId><Mpin>For accepting Terms
and Conditions of the Service
2<Smpin><UserId><Old Mpin><New Mpin>Change Mpin
3<Mbsreg>Getting User id and Mpin
4<Sbal><UserId><Mpin>For Balance Enquiry
5<Smin><UserId><Mpin>Mini Statement of Account
6<Stopup><UserId><Mpin><telecom operator of beneficiary Mobile><Mob No of beneficiary> <Amount>
If the transaction requires an OTP, the following keyword should be sent:
<OTP>< OTP number ><Stopup><UserId> <Mpin><telecom operator of beneficiary Mobile><Mob no of beneficiary> <Amount>
Mobile Top-up
7<Sdth><UserId><Mpin><Service Provider><DTH serial number><amount>
If the transaction requires an OTP, the following keyword should be sent:
<OTP>< OTP number ><Sdth><UserId><Mpin><Service Provider><DTH serial number><amount>
DTH recharge
If the transaction requires an OTP, the following keyword should be sent:
<OTP>< OTP number > <Smobitop><UserId> <Mpin><WalletID><amount>
Top up of Mobile wallet
9<Sdereg>To de register from service
10<IMPS><Mobile No><MMID><amount><User ID><MPIN><Purpose(optional field- up to 20 char-Alpha numeric)>
If the transaction requires an OTP, the following keyword should be sent:
<OTP>< OTP number ><IMPS><Mobile No><MMID><amount><User ID><MPIN><Purpose(optional field- up to 20 char-Alpha numeric)>
IMPS fund transfer
11<Sfpin> <User ID>Forgot MPIN

SBI SMS Banking Customer Care

If you are faceing any problem or technical issues or have any complaint to register then you can dial the 24/7 toll free customer care number 1800-11-2211 or 1800-42-53800. In addition an email can also be sent to bank.

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