Naval Dockyard Mumbai Recruitment 2016 - Apprentice form

Naval Dockyard Mumbai invites applications form ITI qualified candidates (Male/Female) in various designated trades for enrolment into Apprenticeship trainingat Dockyard Apprentice School  under Apprentice Act 1961. There are total of 315  vacancies are distributed among different trades. Organization has invited the applicants to fill up the application form properly and submit them earlier than 14th October 2016. For info must check beneath.

Complete vacancy details are as follows :
Number of vacancies : 315
Post Name : Apprentice
Name of the Trade
No. of posts
One Years Training
Instrument mechanist
Mechanic machine tool maintenance
Refrigerator and air conditioner machine
Pattern Maker
Two Years Training
Mechanic (Diesel)
Foundry Man
Mechanic Radio & Radar (Aircraft)
Powre Electrician
Shipwright Steel
Pipe Fitter
Riger (Heavy Industries)
Sheet metal worker
Crane Operator (Overhead SI)
Shipwright Wood

Academic Qualification: Candidates who have passed the 10th examination and having the ITI certificate in the relevant trade with at least 65% marks from renowned School/Board may apply for the Naval Ship Repair Yard Jobs.

Age Limit:
• Those job searchers are born in between 31 March 1995 and 31 March 2002 (Both the dates inclusive) are eligible to apply.
• Upper age relaxation will be given to the reserved category candidates as per the Naval Dockyard Mumbai Rules.

Selection Process: Selection of the appliers will be done via Written Examination followed by the Interview and Medical Test.

Salary Details: After successfully selected, aspirants will receive the salary as Rs. 6126 – Rs. 7877/- per month.

How to Apply : 
• Go through the department official notification that is
• Then fill up the online application format and write their application form with required details then attached the copies of all required documents.
• Application should be submitted online thereafter take printout and send hard copies to the address given below till last date.

Postal Address:
Post Box No-10035 GPO,

Dates To keep in mind:
Closing date to submit the online filled application: 14th October 2016

Link to follow: 
Check the Official Link for the Naval dockyard Mumbai Recruitment 2016 Details.

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