Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon Recruitment 2016 – 379 Casual Worker Advt

Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon Recruitment

Commandant Central Ammunition Depot, Pulgaon has issued an employment notification regarding Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon Recruitment for the engagement of 379 vacancies of Casual workers. Candidates desirous to work on daily wages as per requirement mentioned below can apply for the Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon jobs by appearing in test / interview on 26thSeptember 2016.
Organization Name: Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon
Post Name: Casual Workers
No. of Vacancies: 379
Qualification Required:
The job seekers having Primary Standard pass (5th Std) can apply for Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon Recruitment.
The job appliers should have Knowledge of Hindi & Marathi.
Age Limit:
The candidates who want to apply for Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon jobs must not be less than 18 years.
Pay Scale:
The selected candidates will be paid at the rate of Rs. 238/- (Two hundred thirty Eight only) per day on daily wages.
Selection Mode:
The Board of Officer will select the eligible candidates based on their performance in the Physical tests and interview. The candidates will be judged out of 100 Marks. The breakdown of which is as under:-
  • 100 mtr running: 40 marks
  • Grass cutting: 40 marks
  • Personnel Interview: 20 marks
Guidelines to Apply for Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon Recruitment:
Candidates desirous to work on daily wages as per requirement mentioned above should report Central Ammunltion Depot, Pulgaon (Administrative Complex Gate) on 26th September 2016 along with self written application, medical fitness .certificate, date of birth certificate, character certificate, school leaving certificate and two passport size photographs duly attested by Tahsildar/Gazetted Officer/Police authority, for physical fitness test.
The job appliers are requested to check the eligibility criteria and then process for further process. The aspirants have to appear at the following address on time:
Central Ammunition Depot, Pulgaon
(Administrative Complex Gate)
Important Date:
Test and Interview Date: 26th September 2016
Important Link:
Click here to read official notification

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