Headmaster /Headmistress Application form | Tripura PSC Recruitment 2014

Tripura PSC Recruitment 2014 - Headmaster /Headmistress Application form

Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC) has uploaded latest notification for recruitment ofHeadmaster / headmistress post . TPSC is going to fill 178 vacant positions of  Headmaster /headmistress post through this recruitment advertisement. Candidates fulfilling eligibility criteria may send their applications in prescribed format on or before 31st Jan, 2014. Brief details of Head master / headmistress recruitment in Tripura PSC is mentioned below.

Number of vacancies : 158
Name of the school & post : 
Item No.01:
Higher Secondary School/ District Inspector of Schools: 43 posts
i. Headmaster/ Headmistress: 43 posts

Item No.02:
A. Higher Secondary School: 48 posts
i. Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress: 48 posts
B. High School/ Inspector of Schools: 87 posts
ii. Headmaster/ Headmistress: 87 posts

Eligibility Citeria for Headmaster/headmistress post :
Age Limit : Candidates age should not be below 18 years and not be above 42 years . Relaxation in age limit will be applicable as per govt norms.

Minimum Qualification : 
1. For Item No. 1 :  Master's Degree in any subject from any  recognized university with minimum of 45% marks with good academic marks
2. For Item no. 2 : Master’s Degree/ Honour Degree in any subject securing at least 45% marks from any recognized university with good academic records 

Note : Candidates must have B.T./ B.Ed from any recognized university / T.Ed (6 months abridge course certified by Tripura University/ CETE from IGNOU (6 months certificate course).

What is the Selection criteria & Pay Scale  ?

Selection Procedure : Candidates will be selected on the basis of marks obtained in Written Screening test & Personality Test.

Pay Scale :
1. For Item no. 1 : Rs. 13,575 - 37,000 + Grade Pay of Rs. 3700/-
2. For Item no. 2 : Rs. 9,570 - 30,000 + Grade Pay of Rs. 3500/-.

How to Apply for Headmaster/Headmistress post ?

Recruitment Fee : 
1. For Group A posts : Rs.200 only for General Candidates and Rs. 150 only for ST/SC/ BPL card holders /Physically Handicapped Candidates.
2. For Group B posts : Rs.150/- only for General Candidates and Rs. 100/- only for ST/SC/BPL card holders / Physically Handicapped Candidates.
3. For group C posts :  Rs.100/- only for General Candidates and Rs. 50/- only for ST/SC/ BPL card holders/Physically Handicapped Candidates. 

How to Apply : Candidates are required to download the application form from the link given below, then take print out and fill the application form in all respects and along with copies of self attested certificates, photographs submit it to Reception Counter of the TPSC Secretariat .

Last date for receipt of application form : 31-01-2014

Click here to view the Official notification.

Click here to download the application form.
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